Thursday, May 24, 2012

Call me, Beep me, If You Wanna Reach Me

I am getting closer and closer to my new departure date! I leave May 26th out of LAX only to be welcomed into Singapore with a 16-hour layover. After which, I will have a two hour flight to Bangalore.

I am bummed that I will be missing a great opportunity tomorrow to tour and become acquainted with a few NGO's in Southern India, but I am excited to hear how it goes from those that will be experiencing it. The group will be going to the Association for People with Disability (APD) at Hennur (, and then off to SELCO at JP Nagar (
No matter my disappointment for missing out on this opportunity, I still could not be more grateful for the adventures I will soon experience at the juncture that I am about to meet.

Because I am arriving a little late, it gives me all the more motivation to immediately kick it into high gear and work as hard as I possibly can; I will be giving everything I have to my work with PremaVidya.

I planned on getting my modes of communication together after my arrival, but because I had a little extra time I was able to prepare a few things now. If you need to reach me while I am overseas there are a few things that I was able to set up (:

You can call me at (760) 230-0024. (I set up this number through skype, but with my iPhone I can receive calls on this number as well as make them. Also, it will only charge you, the caller, as if you are making a local call to San Diego!)

You can skype me at madison.swoy

You can email me at

I will have internet at the apartments and will be able to frequently keep up with my blog and emails.

Counting down the moments until my arrival in Bangalore!

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